Inventory Adjustment Report


The Inventory Adjustment report in RepairDesk allows you to track and monitor changes in inventory levels, such as increased or decreased quantity. This article will guide you on how to use the report effectively and understand its various features.

Report Search Filters

The Inventory Adjustment report provides several search filters that help you narrow down the data according to your requirements. These filters include:

  • Store: You can select a specific store to view the data for that particular location.
  • Employee: By selecting an employee, you can generate a report specific to their inventory adjustments.
  • Adjustment Type: Filter the report based on the adjustment type, whether it is an increase in quantity, decrease in quantity, or revaluation.
  • Item Type: You can also filter the report by item type, such as accessories, cases, etc.
  • Item Name/SKU: Use the item name or SKU as search criteria to find specific items in the report.
  • Item IMEI: Filter the report based on the specific IMEI number to track adjustments related to a particular item.
  • From Date: View the report details starting from a specific date by selecting the "from" date in this search filter.
  • To Date: View the report details up until a specific date by selecting the "to" date in this search filter.

Report Columns

The Inventory Adjustment report displays relevant information in different columns. Here's an overview of each column:
  • ID: This column shows the unique ID assigned to each inventory adjustment.
  • Date: The date and time of each adjustment are depicted in this column.
  • Employee: The name of the employee responsible for the specific adjustment transaction is shown here.
  • Reference: Reference information related to each inventory adjustment is displayed in this column.
  • Action: The action button allows you to view the details of each inventory adjustment.

Please refer to this guide whenever you need assistance with the Inventory Adjustment report.

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